
Showing posts from August, 2023
Hello there! Anthea Beazley, your expert social media and marketing coordinator, here to shed light on the crucial differences between social media campaign advertising and simply boosting a post. It's time to level up your social media game and drive results like never before! Let's start with boosted posts - the easy option, but not necessarily the most effective. Think of it as watering your garden with a sprinkler. Yes, it reaches your followers, but it also waters the weeds, so to speak. Boosted posts lack the precision of targeted advertising, failing to reach the right audience and often resulting in page engagement but little else. In essence, they can be a waste of your hard-earned money. Campaign advertising , on the other hand, is where the magic happens! It provides a far better return on your ad spend by reaching a precisely targeted audience. Picture watering the specific plants in your garden without wasting a drop of water or a single dollar. Campaign ads are s